12 Days of Blogmas 2021, Day 10 – Project Management: Planning for 2022

I’ve been thinking about planning for 2022. Normally I would start thinking about the year ahead in October, but not this year (or the last). In fact, looking through the last year, I didn’t plan for 2021 at all and all my plans for 2020 got derailed. So how do you plan for the year ahead when there is so much uncertainty?

Planning for 2022

Remember that nothing is set in stone and when things change it is ok to take things slowly, fail and pivot when you need to.

For a number of years now, I have used the Bullet Journal Method by Ryder Carroll in my business and personal life.

Track Your Past, Order Your Present, Plan Your Future

Ryder Carroll, Creator of the Bullet Journal

Ryder takes you through the preparation where you brainstorm before introducing you to the system and how to get your thoughts and ideas organised. It causes you to be more intentional about your goals and the tasks you need to complete in order to reach those goals. Although I love technology, there is something freeing about being able to put pen to paper and write with no distractions.

In planning for 2022, I’ve decided I want to include the reflection stages of the system and be more intentional in what I do and how I do it. What 2020 and 2021 have taught me is that I need to remove all the deadwood taking up unnecessary space and capture the memories so I don’t forget them. I also want to make sure that my beliefs and actions align with everything that I do.

Get the Bullet Journal Method

I highly recommend that you check out his book on Amazon and watch him explain the process on YouTube. There is even a companion app for those of you who want to add a digital component to your bullet journaling.

One thing to note is that your bullet journal doesn’t have to be pretty, mine certainly isn’t. Although I love being creative, my bullet journal has a very minimalist feel to it and shows all the mistakes (life isn’t perfect). If you do want to get creative and don’t know how to draw, you can always buy stickers.

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