12 Days of Blogmas 2021, Day 8 – WordPress: Reusable Block

Do you ever keep writing the same type of content for your WordPress blog posts or pages over and over again? Well here’s a tip, use a reusable block.

Reusable Block

The reusable block in the WordPress block editor, allows you to create, save and reuse the same content or layout on your posts and pages throughout your site. They are easily accessible from the WordPress block editor.

WordPress block editor with the reusable block tab highlighted
WordPress block editor – library of reusable blocks


Maybe you have a service page that always follows the same format, you can use a reusable block to design that page and then all you need to do is select the reusable block the next time you add a new service. Other useful ways to use a reusable block:

  • Create a call-to-action button on all your relevant pages and post.
  • Create a reusable block for your landing pages – you don’t need a developer to design this for you.
  • Use it to design the way you want your testimonials to look on every page.
  • And so much more…


There are so many ways that using a reusable block can make it easier for you to create content for your site and be consistent whilst doing it, you can:

  • Duplicate the content across all your posts and pages.
  • Save time and stop rewriting or copying and pasting your content from a Word or Google document.
  • Modify the content in a block and this will modify it everywhere – great for content that needs to stay the same throughout your site. If you don’t want the changes you’ve made on the reusable block to be reflected everywhere else on your site, just convert it to a regular block.

If you want to start creating your own reusable blocks, take a look at how to easily create and use a reusable block on Learn WordPress.

I love using reusable blocks and I hope that you will too.

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